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2020 Lunar Development Conference

  • 19 Jul 2020
  • 9:00 AM
  • 20 Jul 2020
  • 11:59 PM


  • $10 General Registration for non-members of the Moon Society and those who don't qualify as students or seniors.
    Your $10 fee can be deducted from a new Moon Society Membership for the next year.
  • You are a full-time Student at an accredited educational institution, or
    You are a Senior aged 60 or above.

The 2020 Lunar Development Conference is being organized as an all-virtual event and will feature prominent speakers, panels, and networking between attendees using a new virtual platform.  The $10 registration fee for non-members (and free registration for full-time students and seniors 60 and older) is intended to boost attendance and create a vibrant Lunar Development community that will persist beyond this event. 

Current Moon Society members: login to our Wild Apricot member registration system and you will see a free members-only option on this event registration experience.

Ⓒ 2021, The Moon Society Inc.

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